I’ve always had a passion for creating.
Throughout my childhood, I was drawing every time I had a free minute. I had the skill, and it quickly became a dominating part of me. My interest in art gained momentum in secondary school when I realized that the only fun part of school for me was making my assignments look good - whether it was colour-coordinating the title pages of my research projects, or finding a way to make a bland poster board into something beautiful. I knew already that I would be pursuing a career in art and design. I decided to move to Montreal with my family and attend the Visual Arts program at John Abbott College. This was a crucial moment in my life, which not only allowed me to explore a variety of artistic mediums and practices before getting my BFA, but led me to meet some of my greatest friends, teachers, and my fiancé, Andrew. Being around so many like-minded people in a program dedicated to doing things that I love has certainly shaped the way I see art and the world around me. My next step was pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Concordia University, majoring in Drawing & Painting.
During my time at Concordia, there was much more freedom in terms of project content than I had in the past. I found myself gravitating towards oil painting and portraiture. The most exhilarating part of every project for me was always working with colour. I spent a lot of time mixing the perfect shades and hues, and finding ways to sneak something a little different into my paintings. At this point, my freelance work was starting to take off, and I began experimenting with digital art and graphic design. I also started making custom painted sneakers. I took commissions for paintings, drawings, business cards, logos…anything and everything. I started working as a photographer with my fiancé. If I didn’t know how to do something, I made sure to find out rather than to pass it up. Most importantly, I learned that despite what people might say, it was possible to not only make a living as an artist, but to thrive doing something that you’re passionate about.
Today, I work as a full time graphic designer - I’m also a freelance artist. I have two small online businesses: one for custom sneakers, and one for vintage home decor. No matter the medium, my work is always highly detailed, with a focus on colour and composition. I love what I do - I always want to do more, and I look forward to taking on more new projects as I go!
- Emma